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Warning Signs….When Your Vehicle Talks to You

SensesWe think vehicles today are just short of amazing. With all of the gadgets, lights, warning buzzers and gizmos today’s vehicles can provide, we still encourage the

good old basics to detect if something is not right with your vehicle.

Remember the five senses you learned about in kindergarten? Easy to remember and they work pretty well when describing warning signs for your vehicle.

Sounds: Listen for any sounds that are not typical to your vehicle; clicking, whirring, squeaks, grinding, slow rotating.

Smells: Oil, coolant, burnt wire, raw fuel, etc. are all indicators that something is not right.

See: Periodically check for fluid (other than water) on the ground where you park. Also examine your tires for uneven wear to help you know if your car is out of alignment.

Feel: Be aware of any shaking in the wheel, brake pedal pulsing, mis-shifting, mis-firing, or a clunk. These are all signs that your vehicle needs to be looked at by a technician to see what is wrong.

Taste: We strongly recommend that you do not taste the fluids from your vehicle. But, to satisfy your curiosity (according to our technicians that have mistakenly tasted) brake fluid tastes bitter and coolant sweet.

So, there you have it. No matter what year or make/model of your vehicle, use your five senses to understand the language of your ride. This will save you money, frustration and time!

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