Are Mice Calling Your Vehicle Home?
The cooler temperatures have arrived leaving mice and other rodents seeking shelter.
Did you know that mice often seek shelter in your vehicle? A warm engine compartment or a dark secure area in car is an enticing place for a rodent to build a nest.
Mice and other rodents can cause significant damage to your vehicle if you are not careful. Be sure to watch for signs of rodent activity in your vehicle. Signs to watch for include: a foul urine order, rodent droppings, unexplained leaf or other nesting material, or sudden unexplained electrical or air flow issues.
These are a couple photos of a vehicle that came into our shop with mice damage. If you suspect a mouse or other rodent might be calling your vehicle home be sure and give us a call to schedule an appointment. Our technicians will go over your vehicle to make sure there is no rodent activity or nests that might lead to vehicle damage or system failure.
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